[Seaside] VW Port

Pennell, David DPennell at quallaby.com
Wed May 14 09:03:04 CEST 2003

>> This sounds like a good plan.  What do you see as the next step?

> Well, what I would like to be able to do eventually is export a file from
Squeak that you can import directly into VW, without having to make any 
> modifications to the classes and methods in it, but just having to layer
it on top of a compatibility package.  We'll probably have to go through a
> iterations of me sending you a test file and you letting me know what
Squeakisms remain in it, but I think it should be doable.


> I'll try to get a first pass at such a file to you by the weekend, anyway.
If you have time, it would be useful to have a complete list of which
Seaside > classes you actually needed to change...

The easiest thing is probably to send you my modified Seaside-2.3b.st file
that finally filed-in (or a diff).  I could also file out my
Squeak-Compatibility package.  Let me know how you want it delivered.


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