[Seaside] Google placement examples?

Nevin Pratt nevin at smalltalkpro.com
Sat May 24 18:49:53 CEST 2003

Eric Hodel wrote:

>It depends on whether Google considers this 'cloaking' or not.

OK, I've now got the site to where it is a bit more google friendly.

Whenever the googlebot visits, it will now see anchors that don't have 
the Seaside goop in the URL.  They will instead look like normal links 
with normal URL's.  And this is true for most of the site pages, as the 
googlebot traverses the site.  Also, those "normal" links (normal URL's) 
that the googlebot might follow (and choose to index), will still work 
for everybody and anybody else, should they choose to use them.  They 
are each just separate entry points into the app. Of course, while the 
googlebot follows those links, it will jump from one WASession to 
another (because each link that it follows is considered to be a new 
instance of the application, with a different entry point), whereas for 
everybody else, once they enter the app, those anchors will have the 
usual Seaside goop in the URL, and so they will stay within the one 
WASession, and one application instance.

The fact that the googlebot will trigger a succession of multiple 
WASession's is probably unimportant, as the googlebot won't be trying to 
add stuff to the shopping cart, make a credit card purchase, or anything 
like that.  It will just be following links to see what's there.  And 
while following those links, the googlebot sees exactly what anybody 
else would see doing normal traversing of the site.

I think it will probably work OK.

I don't know if Google will consider this to be 'cloaking'.  I would 
think it shouldn't be an issue, as Google still sees everything exactly 
like everybody else, and visa-versa.


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