[Seaside] KomHttp error

Stephen Pair stephen at pairhome.net
Mon Nov 3 16:22:22 CET 2003

I wouldn't be surprised if it were the debugger getting confused by 
continuations (and I say this without any investigation).  It could also 
have something to do with exception handling and the relatively recent 
method context changes. 

Can anyone make this happen without Seaside?  How about sequence of 
steps to reproduce it using Seaside?

- Stephen

Mark A. Schwenk wrote:

> I've seen this error frequently. I believe that it has always been 
> when I have been using the debugger and continue while debugging a 
> Seaside application.
> -Mark
> Stephen Pair wrote:
>> Hmmm...in that case, can you provide a list of steps required to 
>> reproduce the problem (starting from a virgin squeak image)?
>> - Stephen
>> Brian Brown wrote:
>>> On Oct 30, 2003, at 6:26 AM, Stephen Pair wrote:
>>>> Brian,
>>>> This probably means that whatever you've got plugged into Comanche 
>>>> on the backend is answering a String instead of an HttpResponse.  
>>>> What is your Comanche configuration (the expression you used to 
>>>> construct your http server)?  That might shed more light on why 
>>>> you're getting the error.
>>>> - Stephen
>>> I am using the seaside setup in the class comment of KomHttpServerInfo:
>>>     | ma seaside |
>>>     seaside := WAKom default.
>>>     ma := ModuleAssembly core.
>>>     ma serverRoot: FileDirectory default fullName.
>>>     ma alias: '/seaside' to: [ma addPlug: [:request | seaside 
>>> process: request]].
>>>     ma documentRoot: FileDirectory default fullName.
>>>     ma directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
>>>     ma serveFiles.
>>>     (HttpService startOn: 8080 named: 'httpd') plug: ma rootModule
>>> I just highlighted it and cmd-d. :-)
>>>> Brian Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I've started using Kom 6.2 with seaside and have gotten an error 
>>>>> several times.
>>>>> It's in HttpAdaptor>>dispatchRequest: which gives a 
>>>>> MessageNotUnderstood: String>>addCookies.
>>>>> request is turning up as an empty string, which I'm sure is an 
>>>>> error :-) It should be an HttpResponse, I think.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>> thanks!
>>>>> Brian

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