[Seaside] Changes in newer seaside?

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Sun Oct 5 12:02:33 CEST 2003

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Markus Fritsche wrote:

> A minimal monticello package is at
> http://reauktion.de/archer/DIA-mfrit.2.mcz For the "Lieferant: " button
> to work you'll have to define an address first. It's partly german, I
> hope this isn't a problem.

Ok, I see your problem.

In DIAArticleApplication>>renderContentOn:, you have

  html render: (DIAArticleEditor new article: DIAArticle new))

This means that every time you render, you're creating a new article

So the component doing the #call: is the ArticleEditor from the last time
you rendered - which doesn't affect the new one you create the next time
you render.

Subcomponents need to be created once, at initialization time, not for
each render - at least subcomponents that you expect #call: to work for.

Does that make sense?

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