[Seaside] ROE - Public Store

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Thu Apr 1 10:05:51 CEST 2004

On Mar 31, 2004, at 11:07 PM, Travis Griggs wrote:

> Roger Whitney wrote:
>> Does anyone know how far Rosetta ST 
>> (http://rosettast.sourceforge.net/)
>> goes in converting between Squeak and VW?
> I bugged Joseph about this about 6 months ago, I was entertaining 
> doing ROE/Seaside ports to VW and was balking at the prospect of 
> always having to port/resolve the changes. Brett and David beat me to 
> both ports :)
> Joseph's report was not encouraging. Basically Rosetta can go to/from 
> most of the Smalltalks, but not Squeak (maybe it can go one way 
> to/from Squeak, but not both). His complaint was that Squeak had no 
> canonized "package" or "application" concept. I know he had had 
> thoughts long ago that Ginsu would provide that, but that fell by the 
> wayside.

Except that as I've told Joseph a few times, there *is* a standard 
package concept, it just doesn't happen to be Ginsu.  Anyway, it would 
be really easy for me to output Rosetta format from Squeak if that were 
at all useful; I've just been outputting VW XML fileouts directly 
instead.  Let me know what would be best.

Coolest IMO would be to get Monticello ported to Dolphin and VW so that 
we could all share a repository, but that's a lot of work...


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