[Seaside] Re: Debug option still present in deployment mode?

Samuel Tardieu sam at rfc1149.net
Fri Apr 9 12:48:20 CEST 2004

>>>>> "Avi" == Avi Bryant <avi at beta4.com> writes:

Avi> So, it isn't much, but I just posted v78 which has a
Avi> WASimpleErrorHandler - this returns a status 500 internal error
Avi> page instead of the walkback + debug link.  Just change the Error
Avi> Handler option in the config page.  You may want to customize
Avi> WAInternalErrorResponse to give some extra info or messages
Avi> appropriate to your application.

Ok, I will, thank you.

Avi> I'm a little surprised that you're deploying something using a
Avi> 2.5 version, since I haven't posted anything like a release yet;
Avi> has it been fairly stable for you?  Any comments?  I'll be
Avi> away/offline for the next few days, but should be able to start
Avi> hacking on it again next week.  It shouldn't be *too* long before
Avi> it converges on something I'm happy to officially put out there.

I have been using it for one week now. I am very happy with it and
haven't had any bad experience. The software I want to make in
production isn't mission critical -- it is a better interface for the
Will Spam For Food (http://www.rfc1149.net/wsff) blacklist, allowing
people to schedule retests of their relays once they have been
properly configured. For this, I use a tiny Seaside server accessing
the PostgreSQL database. I haven't used ROE since, as far as I can
read, it doesn't yet support writing to the database.

Samuel Tardieu -- sam at rfc1149.net -- http://www.rfc1149.net/sam

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