[Seaside] Upgrading to 2.5a-avi.3

Colin Curtin alpine at umail.ucsb.edu
Sat Apr 17 02:33:22 CEST 2004

Julian Fitzell wrote:

> You'll probably have to re-add your applications, or at least 
> reconfigure them.  My guess is your configured applications don't have 
> a main class specified or something (not sure exactly which preference 
> is your problem and am running out the door)...

I haven't found a way to make an entry point for my applications in 
2.5a. I copied the class WACounter and made WAOtherCouter, and it 
doesn't show up in "Root Component" selector. I deleted the class 
WACounter, and the "Root Compnent" selector gets updated.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

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