[Seaside] Adding application to Root Component selector

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Mon Apr 26 02:07:00 CEST 2004

On Apr 25, 2004, at 11:07 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> Also:  do my 'seaside' applications need to be created inside the 
>> 'Seaside' catetory? Or can I create my own category and place them 
>> there?
> Well, you can do it differently, but the config UI doesn't support 
> that.  The trick is that you need some unique prefix for comanche to 
> recognize so that it can pass the requests on to seaside.  If you 
> don't use WAKom, you can create your own application registry and 
> register it at a different url with comanche.  I'm not sure exactly 
> how you it integrates with the config app at that point either; I 
> don't think anyone has done this recently, though the architecture is 
> certainly designed to allow it.

Hm.  This answer is to do with the /seaside/ prefix in the app URLs. I 
thought the question had to do with system categories, in which case 
the answer is: no, your applications do not need to be inside the 
'Seaside' category; in fact, it's best if they're not, since right now 
categories are largely synonymous with packages.


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