[Seaside] transaction engines?

Jason Dufair jase at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 29 19:58:13 CEST 2004

radoslav hodnicak <rh at 4096.sk> writes:

> Instead, I'm using a small iframe that has meta refresh, providing kind of
> ping back to server. When the user closes the browser ping won't come
> anymore and the session can be expired. It would work even better if I
> didn't have to support IE - in IE when you hit the back button you get the
> previous iframe and not the previous page. I must say that IE literally
> killed many ideas I've had during development (that worked in opera and
> mozilla) and so far has been the biggest roadblock in my work. Yay M$

I'm new here, so I hope I'm not covering old ground.  I had a situation
like this with a VisualWorks web app and actually implemented a small
Java applet to do the pinging.  Worked fine in IE and Mozilla.  Had to
actually back-port some sort of Java timer classes to get it to work
with the IE JVM.  Anyway, if this is something you'd find useful, I'd be
glad to share the code with you.

Jason Dufair
Office of the VP for Information Technology
Purdue University
jase at purdue.edu
765-496-1185 - fax: 765-496-7409

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