[Seaside] cannot understand #canSort error using WATableReport

radoslav hodnicak rh at 4096.sk
Sat Aug 21 18:07:56 CEST 2004

On Sat, 21 Aug 2004, LK wrote:

> I've created a PMLogsReport as a subclass of WATableReport and
> initialized it with:
> initialize
>     " logs returns a collection of PMLogItem objects from a GOODS database.
>       The #columns are a list of the PMLogItem variables."
>     super initialize.
>     rows _ (self session logs).
>     columns _ #(type entryDate startTime entryText endTime).
> ------------
> When I attempt to use it, I get a MessageNotUnderstood error: on
> canSort.  How should I fix that.

For example you could actually try to understand how WATableReport is
implemented if you want to subclass it - hint, columns is supposed to be a
collection of WAReportColums


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