[Seaside] Help understanding WATableReport

radoslav hodnicak rh at 4096.sk
Mon Aug 23 17:14:44 CEST 2004

rows := #(1 2 3 4 5 6). "your data"
columns :=
OrderedCollection new
 add: (WAReportColumn selector: #yourself title: 'original');
"selector gets perform:-ed on your data item"
 add: (WAReportColumn selector: #factorial title: 'factorial');
"or if you want more control"
 add: (WAReportColumn new
   valueBlock: [:rowItem| rowItem even ifTrue: ['even'] ifFalse: ['odd']];
   clickBlock: [:rowItem| self inform: 'you clicked ', rowItem asString];
   title: 'odd/even');

^WATableReport new rows: rows; columns: columns; yourself.

produces table like

original factorial odd/even
1        1         odd
2        2         even
3        6         odd
4        24        even
5        120       odd
6        720       even

with the items in 3rd column clickable

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