[Seaside] popup window

Julian Fitzell julian at beta4.com
Tue Feb 17 18:41:29 CET 2004

Nevin Pratt wrote:
> Anybody know of a way to do this?:
> I have a Seaside component, which renders a button (among other 
> things).  The button is hooked to an action method of the component, 
> such that when the button is pressed, the method executes.  (in other 
> words, the component is doing just normal Seaside stuff here)
> But, I would like a small popup window to pop up for the user, either 
> before the action method executes, or at the beginning of executing the 
> action method.  Then when the action method finishes executing, I would 
> like the popup window to go away.
> Basically, the popup window would be a "Please wait..." message that 
> would be displayed to the user during execution of any action method 
> that needs the user to be a little more patient (i.e., action methods 
> that take a long time to execute, like 15 or 20 seconds or even 
> longer).  Then, when the action method finishes, the "Please wait..." 
> message automatically goes away.
> Anybody know how to do that?

Well you'll need to use javascript to accomplish that obviously.  You'd 
probably want to attach a script to the submit button's onclick handler 
to open the window and then another to the onload handler of the <body> 
tag of the completed page so that it got executed once the results were 
done loading.

As I recall, when you open a window you can give it an identifier (same 
as the target= attribute on an href) and you can then use that to find 
the window to close in the second script.  It's been quite a while since 
I did anything like this though so the details are a little fuzzy.

You could try http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp for some info, 
although scanning it quickly doesn't reveal all the necessary tricks to 
me.  Still, w3schools have good CSS and DHTML tutorials so it might be a 
useful JS primer if you're not too familiar with it.  Hopefully a google 
search will turn up the remaining details for you...  I may also have it 
in a cookbook at work; I'll post again when I get in if I do.


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