[Seaside] onAnswer error on embedded component

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Wed Jul 21 17:53:38 CEST 2004

LK wrote:

> I'm calling a grid object from withing my may renderContentOn method.  
> I get this error below.  Do I need an #onAnswer method?  What would I 
> put in it?
> -Larry
> PMLogsTask>>renderContentOn:  html
>    |db |
>    db _ self connect.
>    html cssId: 'banner'.
>    html table: [
>        html tableRowWith: [
>            html divNamed: 'title' with: self title.
>            html divNamed: 'subtitle' with: self subtitle.
>        ]
>    ].
>    self call: (PMLogsView new renderContentOn: html and: db).

This is a pretty common misunderstanding of #call:.  #call: should 
generally not be called from #renderContentOn:, except with great care 
as one sees in WATask subclasses.  What you really are doing is 
embedding a component, not calling it.  So, to embed a component you 
need to pass it as an argument to #render:

       html render: pmLogsView

now, notice that I didn't create the instance here...that's because if a 
component embeds another component it must include that component in its 
response to #children.  So, what I'd suggest is something like this:

add pmLogsView as an i-var to your class

    pmLogsView := PMLogsView new.

    ^Array with: pmLogsView

renderContentOn: html
    | db |
    .... your code except the call: here...
    pmLogsView useDb: db during: [html render: pmLogsView]
    db logout

Then in your PMLogsView add a db i-var and the method

useDb: aDatabase during: aBlock
    db := aDatabase.
    aBlock ensure: [db := nil]

That way your i-var doesn't keep the reference to the database around 
any longer than needed.  Actually, what I'd really recommend is storing 
the db in a custom session subclass...if your app is bigger than these 
two classes then you'll eventually probably find that you need access to 
the database in many of your views.  I believe that there is a tutorial 
around which shows you how to do this.  Look at 
http://beta4.com/seaside2/docs.html as a possible starting place.


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