[Seaside] 2.5 beta 1

Bany, Michel mbany at cincom.com
Thu Jul 22 17:14:56 CEST 2004

> I'll be sitting here, eagerly awaiting bug reports...

... Here is your first one, in WAHalo again :)

The findStyles method creates a new rendering context that is not
holding any request. You get a dnu when you need to access the request
like in WABasicAuthentication>>renderContentOn: or like in the VW port
when we need to access the native request to determine if we are running
behind Apache.

I changed findStyles like this :

	| context |
	context := WARenderingContext new
				document: WAStyleCollector new;
				actionUrl: WAUrl new.
	context request: self session currentRequest.
	target renderWithContext: context.
	^ String streamContents:
		[:s |
		context document styles do: [:ea | s nextPutAll: ea; space]]

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