[Seaside] onAnswer: problems

C. David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Mon Jun 21 08:04:52 CEST 2004

Colin Putney wrote:

> I too would like to see such a framework.
> My Nori templating framework provided a way of testing Seaside 
> components, but since templating is so passé, I've stopped developing 
> it. I'm not sure how applicable it is to the current situation, but 
> here's how it worked.
> 1. Instead of using HtmlRenderer, components generated a DOM tree 
> which was then serialized to serve the page.
> 2. The tests would set up a component, render it, and then make 
> assertions about the DOM tree. This would be stuff like "has a text 
> node containing 'Copyright Evil Corporation 1976, all rights 
> reserved'" or "has an anchor with the label 'Launch Nukes'" or 
> "background color for a div with id #main is #ffffff".
> 3. Callbacks were implemented with MessageSends instead of blocks. 
> This allowed them to be easily examined as well. So tests would also 
> make assertions like "some element of the page is bound do 
> #doSomething." That assertion would pass if there was an anchor or 
> form button that triggered #doSomething when clicked. You could do 
> similar assertions for value callbacks.
> 4. Testing of the callbacks themselves was done separately. A 
> component would be set up, the callback invoked, the resulting 
> component rendered and assertions made about the resulting DOM tree. 
> So you could make assertions like #doSomething calls 
> SomeOtherComponent, which then displays a page containing a link that 
> calls #answer.
> The intent of all this was to make is simple to write tests that 
> capture the spirit of the requirements that usually come up in web 
> applications. Requests from users often take the form of "There should 
> be a link on this page that will take me to a page that does X." So to 
> test this, we can write two tests: one that asserts the link is 
> present and calls a certain callback (ie, test the rendering), and 
> another that asserts the callback does what it's supposed to (ie, test 
> the behaviour).
> I wrote a fairly complex real-world application using this kind of 
> testing (not in Seaside - Nori was a port of that system to Seaside), 
> and I can't stress enough what a benefit it is to be able to test 
> application workflow and response to specific user actions.
> So where do we go from here? I have some thoughts about how to 
> implement a framework for testing Seaside apps that doesn't rely on a 
> templating system the way Nori did.
> 1. For testing, we use a mock renderer instead of a genuine 
> HtmlRenderer. The test would set up the MockRenderer with a set of 
> expectations, which would capture the things we want to be true about 
> the way the component is rendered. During the render, the MockRenderer 
> would check each call by the component against its expectations and 
> fail the test if they aren't met. In some cases, this would have to 
> wait until the render is finished (such as certain things being 
> present), but sometimes we could fail the test at the exact point the 
> render goes wrong.
> 2. Analysing block callbacks is much trickier than MessageSends, but I 
> think it could be done using the same sort of techniques that are in 
> the RefactoringBrowser. We'd parse the source code to the block or 
> decompile it's bytecodes into an AST which we could then examine. Even 
> with an AST, it's pretty difficult to predict what code will do 
> without running it, but I suspect that most blocks passed to the 
> renderer are pretty simple, so it ought to be possible to use the same 
> sort of convention that Nori did. We could assert that #doSomething 
> gets called by the callback, or the value gets stored in an instance 
> variable etc.
> 3. Alternatively we could modify HtmlRenderer to allow the use of 
> messages or selectors in place of blocks. This makes rendering a bit 
> more awkward, but it makes testing easier.
> 4. I'd like to tie into the halo system as well. There ought to be a 
> halo that allows the user to view and edit the rendering assertions 
> that get used in the component's tests, and run the tests. I'm 
> imagining something a bit like FIT here; this would be aimed at 
> allowing non-programmers to specify the rendering tests. Ideally this 
> should be implemented in a way that allows for test-driven development 
> - ie, we can create the rendering assertions before actually writing 
> the rendering code.
> Thoughts?
> Colin

Great suggestions Colin.  I enjoyed your talk on templating and testing 
at last year's Smalltalk Solutions but some of your fundamental ideas 
(above) didn't really sink in since I wasn't using Seaside.  Over the 
last couple of days I cobbled together some classes to help me start to 
think about testing my Seaside components (while the more general web 
testing conversation is interesting, I can't seem to motivate myself to 
try to generalize this).  At the simple component (no subcomponents) 
level I'm usually happy to trigger a link or form submission and test 
the effect on the component state or domain model state.  For example, 
did the component answer and was the answer what I expected?  Did the 
state of the component change as I would expect it to?  etc.  My guess 
is that over time I'll find these tests difficult to maintain as I 
modify my components, we'll see.  This happens with my GUI tests as 
well.  I've never found a particularly robust way to test 
interfaces...although now I'm certainly going to consider some of your 
suggestions about presence of functionality.  I attached the 
code...please, think of this as a sketch rather than the final drawing.  
Anyway, it seems to work in it's current state.  I have three sample 
components with several test cases but clearly I'm just beginning.  
Here's one example (from SCSampleComponentTest):

    self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
    result _ self establishSession.
    result _ self
                followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
    self assert: self component firstSent.
    self deny: self component secondSent.
    result _ self
                followAnchor: (result anchorWithId: 'second').
    self assert: self component firstSent.
    self assert: self component secondSent

This example also shows two ways to get to anchors (their seaside 
assigned number or their ID which is required to be unique by the 
HTML/XHTML specs).  Forms work similarly (I have a sample).  Obviously 
the "check the state of the component" part is usually not as trivial as 
this example implies but I'm hoping it will map well to most of my 
components.  Also, I started thinking about the back button and 
implemented a simple back method.  Here's a sample which tests it:

    | result |
    self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
    result _ self establishSession.
    result _ self
                followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
    self assert: self component firstSent.
    self deny: self component secondSent.
    result _ self
                followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
    self backAndRefresh.
    self assert: self component firstSent.
    self deny: self component secondSent

So "self component" always answers the component used the render the 
last request (although frankly I have no idea if my code for that is 
correct).  Anyway, I'm sure that you get the idea.  I realize that this 
kind of test is not designed to indicate static structure of the 
rendered component but my GUI tests don't check how my GUI component was 
painted either.  I also understand that there are lots of tools that 
need to go around this (to aid in test generation etc).  If there is any 
interest in this testing framework, I will fill in the gaps, clean it up 
and put it on SqueakMap.  I'd like to add support for a web-based test 
runner as well but the core stuff still has a ways to go.


-------------- next part --------------
WADecoration subclass: #SCAnswerChecker
	instanceVariableNames: 'hasAnswer answerValue '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCAnswerChecker methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:45'!
handleAnswer: anObject 
	(super handleAnswer: anObject)
		ifFalse: [hasAnswer _ true.
			answerValue _ anObject]
		ifTrue: [^true].
	^ false! !

!SCAnswerChecker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:47'!
	^answerValue! !

!SCAnswerChecker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:47'!
	^hasAnswer! !

TestCase subclass: #SCComponentTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'app fakeMain requests '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:47'!
	self requests removeLast! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:46'!
	self back.
	^self refresh! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:54'!
checkForSessionInUrl: aString 
	| a |
	a _ SCSeasideAnchor fromHref: aString.
	^a! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 21:10'!
	^ fakeMain component! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:48'!
componentAnswered: value
	| checker |
	checker _ fakeMain answerChecker.
	^checker hasAnswer and: [checker answerValue = value]! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:34'!
configureApplicationForComponent: aComponent 
	app preferenceAt: #deploymentMode put: true.
	fakeMain _ SCFakeMainClass new.
	app preferenceAt: #mainClass put: fakeMain! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 20:51'!
	| req |
	req := HttpRequest 
				readFromStream: (self httpGetRequestStreamFor: app baseUrl asString).
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: req)! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 20:51'!
followAnchor: anAnchor 
	| req |
	self assert: anAnchor notNil.
	req := HttpRequest 
				readFromStream: (self httpGetRequestStreamFor: anAnchor asString).
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: req)! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:01'!
httpGetRequestStreamFor: url 
	^ ('GET ' , url , ' HTTP/1.0' , String crlf) readStream! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:34'!
httpPostRequestStreamForUrl: url data: postData 
	^ ('POST ' , url , ' HTTP/1.0 ' , String crlf , 'Content-Length: ' , postData size printString , String crlf , 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , String crlf , String crlf , postData) readStream! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:25'!
issueRequest: anHttpRequest 
	self requests add: anHttpRequest.
	^WAKom default processHttpRequest: anHttpRequest! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 20:51'!
issueRequestUntilNotMoved: anHttpRequest 
	| response req newUrl |
	req := anHttpRequest.
	[response := self issueRequest: req.
	response status = #tempMoved] 
				[self requests removeLast.
				newUrl := response fields at: 'Location'.
				self checkForSessionInUrl: newUrl.
				req := HttpRequest readFromStream: (self httpGetRequestStreamFor: newUrl)].
	^response! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:51'!
newApplicationForComponent: aComponentClass 
	app _ SCTesterApplication path: aComponentClass name.
	app configuration addAncestor: WARenderLoopConfiguration localConfiguration.
	app preferenceAt: #rootComponent put: aComponentClass.
	WADispatcher default registerEntryPoint: app at: aComponentClass name.
	self configureApplicationForComponent: aComponentClass.
	^ app! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:46'!
	^self issueRequest: self requests last! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 15:13'!
	WADispatcher default removeEntryPoint: app.! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:36'!
	requests _ OrderedCollection new! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:34'!
submitForm: form pressingButton: button 
	| req url |
	self assert: form notNil.
	url _ form actionUrl.
	req _ HttpRequest
				readFromStream: (self
						httpPostRequestStreamForUrl: url
						data: (form httpDataWithButton: button)).
	^ SCParsedSeasideDocument
		fromResponse: (self issueRequestUntilNotMoved: req)! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:25'!
	self removeApplication.
! !

!SCComponentTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:24'!
	^requests ifNil: [requests _ OrderedCollection new]! !

WARenderLoopMain subclass: #SCFakeMainClass
	instanceVariableNames: 'renderLoop checker '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCFakeMainClass methodsFor: 'hack' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:31'!
	^self! !

!SCFakeMainClass methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:46'!
	| comp |
	checker _ SCAnswerChecker new.
	comp _ super createRoot.
	comp addDecoration: checker.
	^ comp! !

!SCFakeMainClass methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:43'!
start: aRequest 
	self session redirect.
	(renderLoop _ SCRenderLoop new root: self createRoot) run! !

!SCFakeMainClass methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:46'!
	^checker! !

!SCFakeMainClass methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:41'!
	^ renderLoop root! !

WARenderLoop subclass: #SCRenderLoop
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCRenderLoop methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 18:43'!
	^root! !

SCComponentTest subclass: #SCSampleComponentTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:38'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 3).
	self assert: (self componentAnswered: 1234)! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:36'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self deny: self component secondSent.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
	self backAndRefresh.
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self deny: self component secondSent! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:59'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent1.
	result := self establishSession.
	self assert: result bodyElement contents first string = 'hello'! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:56'!
	| result |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent2.
	result _ self establishSession.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorNumber: 1).
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self deny: self component secondSent.
	result _ self
				followAnchor: (result anchorWithId: 'second').
	self assert: self component firstSent.
	self assert: self component secondSent! !

!SCSampleComponentTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:19'!
	| result form |
	self newApplicationForComponent: SCTestComponent3.
	result _ self establishSession.
	form _ result forms first.
	form inputWithId: 'field1' value: 'bob'.
	form inputWithId: 'field2' value: 'jane'.
	result _ self submitForm: form pressingButton: form buttons first.
	self assert: self component field1 = 'bob'.
	self assert: self component field2 = 'jane'! !

Object subclass: #SCSeasideStateMarker
	instanceVariableNames: 'sessionId continuationId '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
	^continuationId! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
continuationId: anObject
	continuationId := anObject! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
	^sessionId! !

!SCSeasideStateMarker methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
sessionId: anObject
	sessionId := anObject! !

SCSeasideStateMarker subclass: #SCSeasideAnchor
	instanceVariableNames: 'fullUrl anchorNumber path '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:51'!
initializeFromHref: aString 
	| parts |
	self fullUrl: aString.
	parts _ aString findTokens: '?'.
	parts isEmpty
		ifTrue: [^ self].
	self path: parts first.
	parts size > 1
		ifTrue: [(parts second findTokens: '&')
				do: [:each | self variableFromString: each]]! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:59'!
initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement 
		initializeFromHref: (anXMLElement attributeAt: 'href')! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:19'!
variableFromString: aString 
	| parts |
	parts _ aString findTokens: '='.
	parts isEmpty
		ifTrue: [^ nil].
	parts size = 1
		ifTrue: [^ self anchorNumber: parts first].
	parts first = '_s'
		ifTrue: [^ self sessionId: parts second].
	parts first = '_k'
		ifTrue: [^ self continuationId: parts second]! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:19'!
	^anchorNumber! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:19'!
anchorNumber: anObject
	anchorNumber := anObject! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:51'!
fullUrl: aString
	fullUrl _ aString! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:54'!
path: aString
	path _ aString! !

!SCSeasideAnchor methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:52'!
	^ fullUrl! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

SCSeasideAnchor class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SCSeasideAnchor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 13:23'!
fromHref: aString
	^self new initializeFromHref: aString! !

!SCSeasideAnchor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 19:45'!
fromXMLElement: anXMLElement
	^ self new initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement! !

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestComponent1
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCTestComponent1 methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:26'!
renderContentOn: html
	html text: 'hello'! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

SCTestComponent1 class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SCTestComponent1 class methodsFor: 'seaside' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:31'!
	^true! !

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestComponent2
	instanceVariableNames: 'firstSent secondSent thirdSent '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:44'!
	super initialize.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: self.
	firstSent _ false.
	secondSent _ false.
	thirdSent _ false! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	firstSent _ true! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	secondSent _ true! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 20:39'!
	thirdSent _ true.
	self answer: 1234! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	^firstSent! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:55'!
renderContentOn: html 
	self firstSent
		ifFalse: [html
				anchorWithAction: [self sendFirst]
				text: 'first link'].
	html text: 'hello'.
	self secondSent
		ifFalse: [html cssId: 'second'.
				anchorWithAction: [self sendSecond]
				text: 'second link'].
	self thirdSent
		ifFalse: [
			html cssId: 'third'.
				anchorWithAction: [self sendThird]
				text: 'third link']! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 14:45'!
	^secondSent! !

!SCTestComponent2 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 00:41'!
	^thirdSent! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

SCTestComponent2 class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SCTestComponent2 class methodsFor: 'seaside' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 21:18'!
	^true! !

WAComponent subclass: #SCTestComponent3
	instanceVariableNames: 'field1 field2 button1WasPressed button2WasPressed '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	^button1WasPressed! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	^ button2WasPressed! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
	^field1! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
field1: anObject
	field1 := anObject! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
	^field2! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:43'!
field2: anObject
	field2 := anObject! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:47'!
renderContentOn: html 
		form: [html text: 'field1: '.
			html textInputOn: #field1 of: self.
			html br.
			html text: 'field2: '.
			html textInputOn: #field2 of: self.
			html br.
			html cssId: 'button1'.
				submitButtonWithAction: [self button1Pressed].
			html cssId: 'button2'.
				submitButtonWithAction: [self button2Pressed]]! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	button1WasPressed _ true! !

!SCTestComponent3 methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 22:46'!
	button2WasPressed _ true! !

WAApplication subclass: #SCTesterApplication
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!
!SCTesterApplication commentStamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:46' prior: 0!
Just need to expose the session registry!

!SCTesterApplication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 20:46'!
handlerWithKey: aKey
	^handlersByKey at: aKey ifAbsent: []! !

Object subclass: #SCXMLElementWrapper
	instanceVariableNames: 'xmlElement '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:16'!
allElementsIn: element addTo: result 
	result add: element.
		elementsDo: [:subElement | self allElementsIn: subElement addTo: result]! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:16'!
allElementsNamed: tagName in: element addTo: result 
	element name = tagName 
		ifTrue: [result add: element]
			[element elementsDo: 
					[:subElement | 
						allElementsNamed: tagName
						in: subElement
						addTo: result]]! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:16'!
elementWithId: aString ifNone: aBlock 
	^self allElements
		detect: [:each | (each
				attributeAt: 'id'
				ifAbsent: [])
				= aString]
		ifNone: aBlock! !

!SCXMLElementWrapper methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:17'!
initializeFromXMLElement: anElement
	xmlElement _ anElement! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

SCXMLElementWrapper class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SCXMLElementWrapper class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:17'!
fromXMLElement: anElement
	^ self new initializeFromXMLElement: anElement! !

SCXMLElementWrapper subclass: #SCParsedSeasideDocument
	instanceVariableNames: 'xmlDoc elements '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:19'!
	| result |
	result _ OrderedCollection new.
	self allElementsIn: xmlElement addTo: result.
	^ result! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 09:49'!
anchorNumber: number 
	| num |
	num := number isString ifTrue: [number] ifFalse: [number asString].
	^self anchors detect: [:each | each anchorNumber = num] ifNone: []! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:55'!
anchorWithId: aString 
		anchorWithId: aString
		ifNone: []! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 21:54'!
anchorWithId: aString ifNone: aBlock 
	| res |
	res _ self elementWithId: aString ifNone: [].
	^res ifNil: aBlock ifNotNil: [SCSeasideAnchor fromXMLElement: res]! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:18'!
	| result |
	result _ OrderedCollection new.
				allElementsNamed: #a
				in: xmlElement
				addTo: result.
	result _ result
				select: [:each | each attributes includesKey: #href].
	^ result
		collect: [:each | SCSeasideAnchor fromXMLElement: each]! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:18'!
	^ xmlElement
		elementAt: #body! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/19/2004 23:05'!
formWithId: aString 
	^ self formWithId: aString ifNone: []! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:27'!
formWithId: aString ifNone: aBlock 
	| res |
	res _ self
				elementWithId: aString
				ifNone: [].
	^ res
		ifNil: aBlock
		ifNotNil: [SCSeasideForm fromXMLElement: res]! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument methodsFor: 'parts' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:27'!
	| result |
	result _ OrderedCollection new.
		allElementsNamed: #form
		in: xmlElement
		addTo: result.
	^ result
		collect: [:each | SCSeasideForm fromXMLElement: each]! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

SCParsedSeasideDocument class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!SCParsedSeasideDocument class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/18/2004 15:22'!
fromResponse: aResponse 
	aResponse contents reset.
	^ self fromStream: aResponse contents! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:21'!
fromStream: aStream 
	| xmlDoc |
	xmlDoc _ XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: aStream.
	^ self fromXMLDoc: xmlDoc! !

!SCParsedSeasideDocument class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:25'!
fromXMLDoc: aDoc 
	^ self
		fromXMLElement: (aDoc elementAt: #html)! !

SCXMLElementWrapper subclass: #SCSeasideForm
	instanceVariableNames: 'inputs buttons inputValues '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting'!

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'buttons' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:32'!
	^buttons! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:08'!
initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement 
	super initializeFromXMLElement: anXMLElement.
	inputs _ OrderedCollection new.
		allElementsNamed: #input
		in: xmlElement
		addTo: inputs.
	buttons _ inputs
				select: [:each | (each
						attributeAt: 'type'
						ifAbsent: [])
						= 'submit'].
	self initializeValuesFromCurrentInputs! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:10'!
	| id value |
		do: [:each | 
			id _ each attributeAt: 'id'.
			value _ each attributes
						at: 'value'
						ifAbsent: [].
				ifNotNil: [self inputWithId: id value: value]]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:30'!
	^ inputValues
		ifNil: [inputValues _ Dictionary new]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:54'!
inputWithId: stringId addValue: stringValue 
	(self inputValues at: stringId ifAbsentPut: [OrderedCollection new]) add: stringValue! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'inputs' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 18:30'!
inputWithId: stringId value: stringValue 
	self inputValues at: stringId put: stringValue! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'posting' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 21:08'!
	^ xmlElement attributeAt: 'action'! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'posting' stamp: 'cds 6/20/2004 22:25'!
httpDataWithButton: button 
	| resultStream |
	resultStream _ WriteStream on: ''.
	button attributes
		at: 'name'
		ifPresent: [:value | resultStream nextPutAll: value].
	self inputValues notEmpty
		ifTrue: [resultStream nextPut: $&].
	self inputValues keys
		do: [:key | self
				writeHttpDataFor: key
				value: (self inputValues at: key)
				on: resultStream]
		separatedBy: [resultStream nextPut: $&].
	^ resultStream contents! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'posting' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:35'!
writeHttpDataFor: key value: value on: stream 
	| name |
	name := (self inputElementWithId: key) attributeAt: 'name'.
	value isString 
				nextPutAll: name;
				nextPut: $=;
				nextPutAll: value]
			[value do: 
					[:each | 
						writeHttpDataFor: key
						value: each
						on: stream]
				separatedBy: [stream nextPut: $&]]! !

!SCSeasideForm methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'cds 6/21/2004 01:35'!
inputElementWithId: anId 
	^inputs detect: [:each | (each attributes at: 'id' ifAbsent: []) = anId]
		ifNone: []! !

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