[Seaside] [kustos@gmx.net: seaside xhtml output]

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Tue Nov 9 22:04:22 CET 2004

On Nov 9, 2004, at 9:54 PM, kustos wrote:

> Checks if the user agent accepts application/xhtml+xml if that is the 
> case and the content type is text/html then we change it to 
> application/xhtml+xml so we shouldn't break anything.

Nice, though I would go the other way - have it start out as xhtml, and 
have the hack change it to text/html in the case that xhtml *isn't* on 
the accept list.  This way if some response wants to force a text/html 
mime type for some reason it will still work (whereas there doesn't 
seem much point in forcing a mime type the client has stated it doesn't 


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