[Seaside] #styleLinkWithUrl:

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Sat Oct 16 18:08:35 CEST 2004

On Oct 16, 2004, at 3:52 PM, David Röthlisberger wrote:

> Hello!
> Once there was a famous method called #styleLinkWithUrl: aString in
> WAAbstractHtmlBuilder, which I used often to pass an URL to a CSS 
> stylesheet
> file. Obviously this method disappeared in Seaside 2.5 beta, while it 
> was
> still there in some alpha releases.
> I would like to know how can I still use these external CSS files now?
> I found a method WAHtmlRoot>>addStyle: aString. Maybe that can do the 
> trick, but how can I call this method? When I call it in 
> renderContentOn: html like this:
> html document root addStyle: 'xyz',
> then it doesn't work? The root object of document is an instance of 
> WARenderedHtmlRoot, so the root is already rendered I guess. So when 
> can I set a title or a doctype or such an external CSS file to the 
> HTML root?

In #updateRoot:.  This is a separate pass that occurs before 
#renderContentOn:, and you'll get passed the root directly.


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