[Seaside] A simple request for my future students

Avi Bryant avi.bryant at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 21:54:33 CEST 2005

On Apr 6, 2005 9:52 PM, stephane ducasse <stephane.ducasse at free.fr> wrote:

> So could it be possible/make sense to have a error message for dummies
> like me
> seaside reports an error. Have you tried /seaside/config?
> or Seaside Error: There is no application running there. Have you tried
> /seaside/config?
> You see a stupid stuff to lower the entrance....for newbies.

Yep, that's good and useful stuff.  In fact it should probably kick
off a wizard to set the configuration password, lead you through
adding a new application, and so on.  I'd love it if someone wanted to
take on a project to improve the out of the box experience like
that... but in the short term, yes, I'll improve the error message.


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