[Seaside] Indenting elements in select list

David Röthlisberger davidroe at bluewin.ch
Tue Feb 1 15:01:15 CET 2005


I have a really odd question. ;)

I would like to fill a select list with elements, and some elements should
be indented.


I can't prepend a white space to the strings, because this won't be
displayed in the select list, instead I have to put some  's before the
strings. But Seaside will transform   to &nbsp, which is then
displayed in the select list as &nsbp;element2.

What I have tried next is the following:
(WAHtmlBuilder encode: '&nbsp'), aString
for a string that shall be indented in the select list.
But here I get the same problem as when I manually add ' ':
' ', aString

I have now changed the HtmlCharacters to not transform the ampersand
anymore, but this solution is bad, so I'm wondering what is the correct
solution for this problem?
I'm aware that there is WAHtmlBuilder>>html: aString, but that doesn't help
in this case.

Kind regards,

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