[Seaside] How to add GLORP to a Seaside application?

Martin J.Laubach mjl at laubach.at
Mon Jan 31 01:12:33 CET 2005

> I don't really understand what you're trying to do there but the 
> generic
> glorp usage looks like this
> 1) setup the connection to db, the result is initialized glorpSession 
> (you
> do this when the app starts/on first client connect)
> 2) on opening an editor (editor=anything that changes objects in a way
> that should be stored in db) on object anObject

> self glorpSession beginUnitOfWork.
> self glorpSession register: anObject.
> 3) change anObject or objects referenced from it
> 4) closing the editor
> on save "self glorpSession commitUnitOfWork"
> on cancel "self glorpSession rollbackUnitOfWork"
> 5) repeat steps 2-4
> 6) clean-up on app exit

   Ah, now we are getting somewhere, this clears things up. The tricky
part is where to do all of those things in a Seaside application.

   Let's say I have a user list in a table in the database, I want to
display a list of users and a link next to each one, to reset the 
to some known value. So I end up with something along the lines of:

		glorpSession beginUnitOfWork.

	UserView>>renderContentOn: html
		html unorderedList:
			[(s readManyOf: User) do:
				[:ea |
				html listItem:
						[html text: ea username.
						html space.
						html anchorWithAction: [ea password: 'xxx'. glorpSession 
commitUnitOfWork. glorpSession beginUnitOfWork. ]
							text: 'reset pw']]].

   I need the commitUnitOfWork/beginUnitOfWork pair so the component will
continue to work as expected after one has set one password.

   Does this sound reasonable or am completly off base?


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