[Seaside] Accessing configuration values from the configuration

William E Harford seaside at harford.org
Thu Jul 21 18:43:24 CEST 2005

If there any way to access a site's user inputted configuration values
from a subclass of WASystemConfiguration ?

What I am trying to do is present the site administrator with a series
of questions in the config biased on  answers that were given in the

For example 

In this application there might be 3 components. The administrator would
put the number 3 for a config value than save the config. 

The config might than ask for the 3 component classes and there names. 

I have only been able to retrieve the default values for a
SystemConfiguration using.

self localConfiguration valueAt: #numberOfContainers. 

I have to admit even though I have read a couple notes on seasides
config component I still don't fully understand how it works. 


William E Harford <seaside at harford.org>
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