[Seaside] input of uncompilable code error hags the session

Sebastián Sastre ssastre at seaswork.com.ar
Sat Oct 15 02:05:51 UTC 2005

Hi all,
    I working on a system that has an input of thext that makes a query with
smalltalk sintax.
    In this case, the query is made evaluating a #select: block in the
target collection. Somthing like this:
    [:e| e interested and:[ e surname notNil]]
    In the seaside component who manages that text entered by the user in a
textArea field, there is a point in wich that text cames to the method as
aQuery, so it makes something like this:
        filter := Compiler evaluate: aQuery codeString.
        results := collection select: filter.
        self call: (WAInformXXXX new contacts: results).
    The problem I had with this is that the seaside session is bloqued when
the user enters text that is not compilable. A missing braket is the typical
error. That means the entire session to get lost because the squeak
interface pops up a window and seaside gets eternally waiting for somethig. 
    How can I detect an uncompilable smalltalk code so I can avoid this
    thank you,
Sebastián Sastre
 <mailto:ssastre at seaswork.com.ar> ssastre at seaswork.com.ar 
Special Software Solutions
www.seaswork.com.ar <http://www.seaswork.com.ar/> 
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