[Seaside] Bug in Set backtracking

David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Tue Oct 18 03:40:31 UTC 2005

I've been having problems with the WATree component and tracked it down
to the snapshotCopy mechanism performing only a shallow copy of the Set
used to track expanded nodes.  Maybe this has been fixed in later
Seaside/Squeak versions but as of Seaside2.5/Squeak3.7 this doesn't
work.  Attached are a test case (and component) which demonstrate the
problem and a fix.  I'll post the fix to the Seaside MC repo unless I
hear that there is a problem with it...


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'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 17 October 2005 at 11:38:08 pm'!
WAComponent subclass: #SCSetBacktrackingComponent
	instanceVariableNames: 'set value'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting-Examples'!

!SCSetBacktrackingComponent methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:21'!
renderContentOn: html
	html form:
		[html cssId: 'input'.
		html textInputWithCallback: [:v | value := v].
		html submitButtonWithAction: [set add: value] text: 'add'.
		html submitButtonWithAction: [set remove: value]  text: 'remove']! !

!SCSetBacktrackingComponent methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:12'!
	super initialize.
	self session registerObjectForBacktracking: (set := Set new).
	! !

!SCSetBacktrackingComponent methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:19'!
	^set! !
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'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 17 October 2005 at 11:38:17 pm'!
SCComponentTestCase subclass: #SCSetBacktrackingTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting-Examples'!

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:22'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includes: 'entry1')! !

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:22'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
! !

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:27'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry2'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry3'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includesAllOf: (Array with: 'entry1' with: 'entry2' with: 'entry3')).
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
	self back.
	self backAndRefresh.

	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').

! !
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'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 17 October 2005 at 11:38:36 pm'!

!Set methodsFor: '*seaside2' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:30'!
	^self copy! !

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