[Seaside] Bug in Set backtracking

David Shaffer cdshaffer at acm.org
Wed Oct 19 20:20:54 UTC 2005

Avi Bryant wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that  you also need to override #restoreFromSnapshot: 
> to do a full #copy as well.  Otherwise after a restore, the 
> snapshot's internal state will #== the original's internal state, so 
> that when you backtrack a *second* time you'll have issues.
> Avi
Ah yes, thanks.  Attached.  I also added another test case to
demonstrate this problem...


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 19 October 2005 at 4:18:44 pm'!

!Set methodsFor: '*seaside2' stamp: 'cds 10/19/2005 16:17'!
restoreFromSnapshot: anObject
	1 to: self class instSize do: [:i | self instVarAt: i put: (anObject instVarAt: i) copy].
	self class isVariable ifTrue: [1 to: self size do: [:i | self at: i put: (anObject at: i) copy]].
! !
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7 of ''4 September 2004'' [latest update: #5989] on 19 October 2005 at 4:20:39 pm'!
SCComponentTestCase subclass: #SCSetBacktrackingTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'SeasideTesting-Examples'!

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:22'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includes: 'entry1')! !

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/17/2005 23:22'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
! !

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/19/2005 16:14'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry2'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry3'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includesAllOf: (Array with: 'entry1' with: 'entry2' with: 'entry3')).
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
	self back.
	self backAndRefresh.

	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').

! !

!SCSetBacktrackingTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'cds 10/19/2005 16:16'!
	| form input |
	self newApplicationWithRootClass: SCSetBacktrackingComponent.
	self establishSession.
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry2'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry3'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'add').
	self assert: (self component set includesAllOf: (Array with: 'entry1' with: 'entry2' with: 'entry3')).
	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
	self back.
	self backAndRefresh.

	form := self lastResponse forms first.
	input := form textInputWithId: 'input'.
	input value: 'entry1'.
	self submitForm: form pressingButton: (form buttonWithValue: 'remove').
	self deny: (self component set includes: 'entry1').
	self backAndRefresh.
	self assert: (self component set includes: 'entry1')
! !

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