[Seaside] (no subject)

goran at krampe.se goran at krampe.se
Tue Feb 21 14:03:06 UTC 2006


Don't have time right now to give detailed answers but:

Rich Warren <rwmlist at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I've looked at Magma. The problem is, it looks like Magma has had  
> a few recent changes, and seems to be having problems. I'm having  
> trouble finding up-to-date documentation.  I THINK I finally have it  
> set up properly (though there is a strange enter password to unlock  
> keychain/enter password to save keychain two-step dance I have to go  
> through every time I start up the squeak image, which just feels  
> wrong).

I am still using the version before Krypton, no real issues at all.

> More importantly, the MagmaSession method connectAs: seems to  
> have vanished (though  the magma seaside stuff (e.g. WAMagmaSession)  
> still try to use it). I've tried to fix it by using connect: (which  
> did not work) and connect (no arguments). The second attempt worked,  
> sort of. But when the web browser starts a new session it takes  
> several seconds for the web page to load--which feels too long. And,  
> when I have multiple browsers/sessions open, they work fine at first,  
> but eventually stop seeing each others changes. So something's not  
> right.

I am using a modified version of Cees' adaptation (Kilauea) and that
uses a ConnectionPool that allocates a new magma session from the pool
for each Seaside session. Works good, and since the sessions are then
pre-pooled, you have no delay.

And generally I am very happy with Magma/Seaside, no big issues at all
and definitely no problems with "seeing each others' changes".

> So, does anyone have a better recommendation for a database that I  
> can move easily between Mac and PC? Or does anyone know a trick to  
> getting the new version of Magma to work? Any suggestions are welcome.

Can't speak for the latest version, haven't made the jump yet. I intend
to pump my base code out later on - just don't have time today. :)

regards, Göran

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