[Seaside] Accessing the query from WATask?

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 06:56:17 UTC 2006

> >I'd like to make use of WATask to model a process but part of the
> >requirement is to grab a piece of the initial query to start out the
> >process.  At the moment I can't find a way to do this.  Once again I'm
> >using Seaside 2.5 in Squeak3.8.
> >
> >Ken
> >
> >
> Normally I create my own subclass of WARenderLoopMain and override
> start: (which is sent upon receiving a request w/o a valid session key)
> so that I can select a different component to display based on the
> request but you can probably just override the same-named method in a
> session subclass if you have no need to change the root component.

Override the method #initialRequest:


Lukas Renggli

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