[Seaside] Sample Seaside 2.6 form usage?

Rick Flower rickf at ca-flower.com
Fri Mar 3 00:54:18 UTC 2006

Does anyone have a sample form usage that works with the new Canvas API 
in Seaside 2.6+ that you'd like to share?

I'm having some problems with my old school API version of a form and am 
not sure what the problem is and after browsing
my Seaside code, I'm not sure if the stuff I'm looking at is the old or 
new.. By the way, why are a bunch of the Seaside classes
now RED in VW after I upgraded my Seaside version from 2.5b8 to 2.6a2?

Here' the form code that's giving me problems (note that most lines are 
commented out for debugging purposes..) :

    html form: [
        html defaultAction: [self confirmLogin].
        "html heading: 'Welcome to my site' level: 3."
        "html bold: 'Enter login name:'."
        "html textInputWithValue: '' callback: [:v | self login: v]."
        "html br; br."
        "html space; space; space; bold: Enter password:."
        "html passwordInputWithCallback: [:c | self password: ((MD5 
hash: c) asHexString asLowercase) ]."
        "html paragraph."
        "html attributes value: Login!."
        "html submitButton."

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