[Seaside] Re: [ANN] Seaside Tutorial

Yanni Chiu yanni at rogers.com
Mon Mar 6 22:46:11 UTC 2006

[I sent this earlier, but haven't seen it appear. Hope it's not a repost]

Lukas Renggli wrote:

 > ... The next thing to do, is to find a
 > way to improve the values in Question 2b. Any ideas?
 > 2b. profit for work:
 > - very high: 0% / 0%
 > - high: 29% / 28%
 > - low: 59% / 61%
 > - very low: 12% / 17%

We need to show the value. It's a bit of a chicken 'n egg,
because real value takes some major investment. I think we
need a lower barrier to entry, to get a foot in to show the

Seasidehosting is a great step. The hosting facility is fine.
But I don't see a lot of apps yet. Has not enough time elapsed,
or is building a Seaside app still too hard? Don't know the
answer. Earlier, on seasidehosting, I counted 63 sites, but
only 16 running (one of them www itself). Of the 16, only 7 had
an app linked from the default path. Of those, 3 were Pier apps.

 > (comments: smalltalk is dead, seaside is not used in our company, we
 > only use SAP, dead technology)

We could benefit from the equivalent to Ruby on Rails video,
if it's possible. It would demostrate the simple stuff is easy.
The hard stuff is possible with any language, but people never
seem to think their app is so hard that they need to carefully
chose the language/env. to handle the hard stuff.

I went to the local Ruby user group meeting yesterday, and
got a quick run through of RoR. Naturally, it was far more
awkward than the video makes out, and the limitations are
there (i.e. venture far from the standard scenario, and you
can do it, but it may be hard).

The group's website led me to:

and here's a quote from that link:

"... recently lost a potentially great client because the client
concluded that we were the only dedicated Rails consulting shop
in the city. If we disappeared, who would help them?

We realized that the best way to help ourselves was to create competition!
Our solution to this is Toronto Rails Pub Nite. We were hoping 10-12
people would come, but it currently looks like we are expecting 50-100
developers at our inaugural event right after March 13th."

The talk amongst the Rubyist at the table was that they're fighting
to get corporate adoption - almost all the same arguments against as
for Smalltalk (except for "dead" talk - they have a "too immature"
label instead).

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