[Seaside] Problems installing seaside, shore, pier

Rich Warren rwmlist at gmail.com
Tue May 16 08:05:58 UTC 2006

I'm using Squeak, and I'm trying to set up seaside, shore components,  
pier and others (I'd love to get the seaside graph package, but I had  
no luck at all there). I'm getting some strange problems. I'm still  
pretty new to Squeak, so I'm not entirely sure what the proper method  
is for loading and managing packages.

I've loaded everything using the SqueakMap Package loader. Here are  
the problem's I'm having.

In the shore demo, date picker fails. I get the following error message:

MessageNotUnderstood: ShoreRenderer>>anchorWithAction:liveAction:text

I assume this means I need to load something. But how can I discover  
which package provides those methods?

Pier seems to be working fine. I can change user, group, etc. (but I  
can't seem to add new users, or change user passwords). I also cannot  
edit the environment. Again, I probably forgot to load something.

Any suggestions?


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