[Seaside] Does DabbleDB use a database?

Andrew Catton andrew at smallthought.com
Wed May 17 18:40:09 UTC 2006

On 17-May-06, at 9:14 AM, Ramon Leon wrote:

>> On May 17, 2006, at 4:29 PM, John Treble wrote:
>>> Does anyone know if DabbleDB uses a database at the back end?
>>> Given the
>>> speed of this application I'm inclined to believe that it's doesn't
>>> but I'm not sure.  TIA.
>> It doesn't use a relational database, no.  And it does very
>> aggressively cache data in RAM while you're working with it
>> (and equally aggressively swap it out when you're not).
>> Avi
> What database does it use?

Nothing third-party -- we've written all the transactional/ 
checkpointing/etc code for this ourselves, as nothing else did what  
we needed.. (not surprising as Dabble has a bit of an odd profile).


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