[Seaside] TableSelectable

Cédrick Béler cbeler at enit.fr
Mon Oct 23 10:35:14 UTC 2006

> The problem I have is that clicking on the row allows to select (or 
> whatever else) but if you click on a data (table cell) that has an 
> anchor (or action) associated to it, then the selection is also done 
> which is not always what we want. I don't know how to avoid that.
I solved that with a default onClick (to select the row) on table cells 
of the row that have no clickAction associated to it. It works nice.

But do you know, if there is a possibility (CSS or javascript) to 
dissable a parent action.
For instance, we associate a onClick: action that selects the row (add 
it in a selection var) ans one cell contains an anchor. Is it possible 
to click on the anchor, without selecting the row ?



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