[Seaside] Persistence in VW

Oleg Richards orichards at mail.ru
Tue Dec 11 21:17:53 UTC 2007

Hello Guys!

Few days i am walking around with one question in my head. How to  
make persistence for my financial reporting system done in visual  
works with the latest seaside. Now it stores all its data in image,  
but i want to run another one with a "playground". So i need transfer  
data. I also need some good backup for my data. Just take a look at m  
y data sizes:

1) Schemas and descriptions costs really nothing
2) Main size is from reports: Each period has 45 reports, each report  
has about 500 records. Sometimes we also have a budget period and  
forecast. So per year we have: 12*45*500 = 270000 decimal numbers.

Guys what do you recommend for me? Boris, i've read that you have  
your own minimalistic ORM. Can you help me with it?

And first of all i need persistence for backup and data transfer, for  
current task one VM is enough. So solution may be used only to load  
and save data.

Cheers, Oleg

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