[Seaside] call: vs rendered component

Sean Malloy smalloy at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 23:36:11 UTC 2007

I'm wondering what peoples thoughts are on the usage of call: vs
assigning a Component instance to an ivar then rendering said


I have an SMMain component which represents my ui layout.
renderContentOn: renders the left nav, and the (current) component.

  ^Array with: component

SMMain>>component: aComponent
  component := aComponent.

  self component: SMHome new.

SMMain>>renderContentOn: html
  html div id: 'nav'; with: [ self renderNavOn: html ].
  html div id: 'content'; with: [ html render: component ].

SMMain>>renderNavOn: html
  html anchor callback: [ self showHome ]; with: 'Stats'.
  html anchor callback: [ self showStats ]; with: 'Stats'.

  self component: SMStats new.

I'm hoping that how I'm setting the current component is fine. Because
I notice most of the examples I've seen for Seaside use call: rather
than just changing the ivar.

For example, an alternative implementation to showStats:

  self component call: SMStats new.

I'm just wondering if either one is as valid as the other.

I guess my line of thinking is, you should use call: when you want to
do something with the returned answer? Where as what I currently want,
is just a placeholder where I can dynamically change the loaded
component, and thus probably shouldn't be using call, because I'm not
making use of #answer/#answer: (and could be creating lots of extra
unnecessary continuations?)

I searched the archives, but couldn't find any sort of guide like:
"Only use call when you plan to make use of the answered object"


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