[Seaside] Using popupAnchor ?

Vincent Girard-Reydet vincent.girard-reydet at f4-group.com
Tue Jan 30 16:35:37 UTC 2007


I'm writing a component that displays a collectionof pictures. The idea 
is to have a miniature acting as a link to a larger version of the 
image, and to have a download link below the miniature.

I tried to use the #popupAnchor, but I don't understand how to use it. 
My idea was to write something like this:

MyComponent>>renderContentOn: html
html popupAnchor
    callback: [:r | self renderBigPictureOn: r];
    with: [html renderMiniature: item on: html].

MyComponent>>renderBigPictureOn: html
html image src: 'thesource' .... .
html anchor
    callback: [self session closePopupWithoutReloadingOpener];
    with: 'close link'.

But it doesn't work (I get errors when #with: get called in 

Does someone have a sample usage of popupAnchor ? Many thanks!


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