[Seaside] "only in seaside" type apps

Ramiro Diaz Trepat ramirodt at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 23:10:45 UTC 2007

We have just released the implementation of an on-line competition
associated with a T.V. show of The History Channel.

The web site is here:


It is all developed with Seaside. Running context is:

Apache (for serving static content and load balancing)
SqueakVM 3.9-8
Seaside 2.8
Squeak 3.9

The application is rather small, but I believe it is a great example
of a commercial project developed for a multinational company using
Seaside.  And since so many people is usually asking where are the
successful commercial projects developed on Seaside, I thought It
would be good news to tell the community about this project, that
although small, has corporate customers happy.
The competition is enabled only once a week, during July, for all
spanish speaking countries in Latin America.
Cheers !

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