[Seaside] another reason Rails gets market share andSeasidedoesn't

Richard Eng richard.eng at rogers.com
Wed Jul 18 23:32:09 UTC 2007

On 7/18/07 4:47 PM, "Ramon Leon" <ramon.leon at allresnet.com> wrote:

> Using Seaside requires two giant changes, adopting Smalltalk and adopting an
> entirely different approach to web development.  As Smalltalk is 30+ years
> old and hasn't been adopted by the masses, I don't see Seaside doing it.

As someone who has been writing software for over 20 years, I am quite
baffled by my colleagues' attitude when it comes to adopting new languages
and methods. I like playing with toys, so I welcome the opportunity to try
new tools. This has been the foundational principle of my long career.

(I'm currently engaged in a long-running argument with a former colleague
who is now a C++ fanboy!)

As I've never done web development before, I have no vested interest in
sticking with what I know. But even if that weren't true, I am open-minded
enough to investigate new ways of doing things. I can't understand why
others don't feel the same way.

(My C++ fanboy friend refuses to give Seaside/Smalltalk a spin.)

When I first looked at Squeak, I was a little intimidated. But it didn't
take long for me to get used to it. I don't mind at all that I'm not dealing
with source files. It's a different way of doing things and it has its own
benefits. What's the big deal?

Ditto for Seaside. So it's not the conventional way of doing things. Why
should that be a stumbling block? In fact, it's an *easier* way of doing

People are lazy. People don't know how to have fun. They stick with the
familiar. If you've been programming in C++ or Java for 10 years, how can
you still be having fun writing software? The answer is: You can't! Neither
of those languages is fun.


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