[Seaside] Call For Design for the Seaside web site

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 08:44:32 UTC 2007

> As i purpose last time, i have made a proposal for the design of the
> seaside site. You can find it here: http://seaside.ouvanous.com

I asked a usability expert from Bern, Simon Raess, about his opinion
on the proposed design. He writes (I translated it to english):

- I like the design, but also have to mention that design is not my
speciality. I especially like the fading vertical lines and the
diagonal text graphics (seaside, download) that give the site a
distinct look. From the color point of view I like the gree and dark
blue (good contrast), light blue and orange looks fresh and maybe a
little bit intruding. Fits well the spring. The only thing that bugs
me is the combination of orange and red. I would try to make lighter
stripes, e.g. orange-yello or orange-white.

- The main navigation is not immediately recognizable as that. The
problem is probably the fixed size of the columns: the distance
between long and short words is very different and therefor cannot be
seen as an entity. People will think that the navigation items are
column titles. A possible solution would be to have the navigation
separate and give the columns a title on their own.

- The design is too wide. On a 1024 screen one has to scroll horizontally.

- The different links are unclear: there are dark blue underlined
ones, light blue underlined ones with a minus (-), light blue
underlined ones with a plus (+), and clickable titles and images. It
is not clear what the difference is and where do they point to

- The meta navigation (login, edit, ...) is very hidden, especially
because there is enough space in the orange part (lr: I don't think
this is a problem, as the meta navigation (or the pier commands) are
only needed for editors).

- The mixture of upper/lower case writing is unclear. Moreover the
mixture between lower case writing, normal and italic writing is
strange. It is difficult to see what belongs together.

Summary from the expert: Graphically I find the proposal very good.
The usability glitches should be easily fixable.


Lukas Renggli

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