[Seaside] Summer of Code Project

Avi Bryant avi at dabbledb.com
Wed Mar 21 17:42:10 UTC 2007

On 3/21/07, Boris Popov <boris at deepcovelabs.com> wrote:
> Let's not forget that Avi's application is very well partitioned, so
> taking down images and bringing them back up fits perfectly with a model
> of 'image-per-application'. Most other applications out there do not
> have such boundaries, so running as many images as possible close to
> server capacity and balancing between them is probably a better thing to
> do and any layer-7 load balancer should be capable of handling session
> affinity properly, hence the value of inventing something new might be
> reduced.

Even if you have a shared database between all your users (say, you
use GLORP to access a single RDBMS), I think it's still valuable to
keep each customer isolated in their own image (and if you're doing
that, bringing them up and down all the time is the only way not to
fill up your server memory too quickly).  That way anything that
happens to one customer - an infinite loop chewing up resources, a
#halt you add in a debugging session, a rollout of an experimental new
feature - doesn't affect anyone else.  What you're describing is
certainly simpler, but I do love my thousands of images...


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