[Seaside] WARenderHandler bug?

Martial Boniou Martial.Boniou at ifrance.com
Tue May 15 14:37:34 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Using the lastest web-dev-123 image, I started to test the new Seaside
2.8 and I started to upgrade my work. I must say that I like the
replacement of the WARender. It's better to choose the render in the
application configuration editor. But I got a problem with
WARnderHandler (but not with WARedirectHandler). When I click on
'override' to change it, I got a:

WARenderHandler class>>doesNotUnderstand: #AsArray

Has anyone that bug too? Actually I need to add a special WARenderHandler
to add a new line at the end of my document.



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