[Seaside] Query about Seaside Hosting

Jimmie Houchin j.squeak at cyberhaus.us
Wed Oct 3 14:39:46 UTC 2007

I use Webfaction as my hosting provider currently. I have gotten good 
service from them. But as of yet I have deployed any website on their 

I will put in a vote with them for Squeak/Seaside/Pier support.
(While paused in the writing of this email, I just went in and wrote an 
email to them requesting support. :)

I had been planning on hopefully deploying a Seaside image on Webfaction 
at some point in the future.

I don't know that one necessarily needs explicit support from Webfaction 
for Seaside other than them pointing the correct ports to the image you 
have running. But support would be nice.

This is an area where I think that Squeak/Seaside/Pier can start to move 
into the Zope/Plone area. When Seaside/Pier start approaching a modest 
out-of-the-box experience when compared to Zope/Plone, then I think it 
will be a good sell to hosting providers. The memory footprint for 
Seaside/Pier is much nicer than Zope/Plone.

To use Plone on Webfaction I have to bump my plan up to the 120mb memory 
plan. I think we can in the future do Pier on the 40mb plan, and should 
be able to on the 80 now. Of course all this depends on the website 
deployed and its data in the image.

For now I think it would be nice if we could provide a quality, cleaned 
up download and deploy image for Squeak/Seaside/Pier. Possibly one that 
could be started up by the hosting provider in their web gui admin setup 
and you upload and/or point the image too your Monticello repository to 
load your website. And your off and running.

I would love over time to have a lean deployment image and a rich 
development image. Allowing Monticello to be the bridge between them.

I don't know that we will ever compete in the PHP type of hosting 
services. But I believe that we can improve our story and compete well 
with the Django, Rails, Zope/Plone, arena of hosting services.


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