[Seaside] css and HTC files issue

Sylvain Pralon sylvain.pralon at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 07:20:41 UTC 2007


I currently trying to make my seaside application css compatible for 
firefox and IE. I just want that IE render the website as Firefox does.
Everybody knows that that IE is ok with w3c standards and consequently 
that is an easy task... grrrr.
I'am used to add a csshover.htc or a png.htc file in a behavior 
propriety of my body in the css file.
The problem is that I am using a WAFileLibrary which includes all mys 
css stylesheets and I don't know how to use this behavior command
Have I to add the htc files into my library ? How do I call them after 
in my CSS method ?
I tried to add an absolute URL (http:.../csshover.htc) but it does not 
change anything at the end.

here is my css :

* {margin:0; padding: 0;}
body {    background-color:#fff; ...; behavior: url(',self cssHoverHTC,');}
img { behavior: url(',self pngHTC,'); }
where methods returns a URL



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