[Seaside] Newbie question

r00t uk r00tuk at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 19:32:04 UTC 2008

Hello All

I am slowly working my way through Squeak and Seaside using "An Introduction
to Seaside" and the Seaside examples as my learning guides.  I have come
across an issue which I don't understand, and I am hoping someone could
enlighten me as to what is going wrong.  The two methods below are called by
MLHeadDataModelView>>renderContentOn:,  with
MLHeadDataModelView>>renderCompanyTextInputOn: resulting in a
MessageNotUnderstood: WARenderCanvas>>value: error.

The instance methods are:

MLHeadDataModelView>>renderCompanyTextInputOn: "This method generates the
'MessageNotUnderstood: WARenderCanvas>>value:' error"
        renderLabel: 'Company Name: '
        input: [
            html textInput;
            value: self headDataModelView companyName;
            callback: [:value | self headDataModelView companyName: value]]
        output: self headDataModelView companyName
        on: html.

        renderLabel: 'Employee Name: '
        input: [
            html textInput setFocus;
            value: self headDataModelView employeeName;
            callback: [:value | self headDataModelView employeeName: value]]
        output: self headDataModelView employeeName
        on: html.

    super initialize.
   self headDataModelView: MLHeadDataModel new.

I don't get any error messages if I use the on:of: style, but not sure what
exact difference or benefits are between the two.

renderCompanyTextInputOn: html
        renderLabel: 'Company Name: '
        input: [
            html textInput on: #companyName of: self headDataModelView]
        output: self headDataModelView companyName
        on: html.

renderEmployeeTextInputOn: html
        renderLabel: 'Employee Name: '
        input: [
            html textInput on: #employeeName of: self headDataModelView]
        output: self headDataModelView employeeName
        on: html.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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