[Seaside] Re: Help with understanding how #call: works

Stefan Schmiedl s at xss.de
Mon Feb 25 07:11:55 UTC 2008

On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 23:56:46 -0500
Jeffrey Straszheim <jstraszheim at comcast.net> wrote:

> What I'm looking for is this, if component A includes 
> component B, but inside of B, it calls component C, what happens?

Rendering A triggers rendering of B, so B should be in A's children.
A does not (should not need to) know anything about what's happening
inside B.

> I assume C renders *in place* of B and the rest of A works as it did 
> before?  Is this correct?

yes, the output might be the same as if A had rendered C instead of B,
but the path by which you got there is different. 

> If so, does A have to include C in its children as well as B?

No, because the replacement is B's 'local' or 'private' decision.
If A had to know this, it would break the component
encapsulation paradigm.


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