[Seaside] About Deployment

Julian Fitzell jfitzell at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 18:25:41 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Frederic Pluquet <fpluquet at ulb.ac.be> wrote:
> So my question is the next one to the Seaside developers: what are the big
> obstacles to achieve this goal ?
> Some questions in my mind: What about continuations ? What about object
> reflectivity ?

Hi Frédéric,

You can always make do without continuations anyway - they're
completely optional in Seaside 3.0.

But object-relational mapping is bad enough at the best of times.
Trying to simulate Smalltalk's object space that way sounds like a
nightmare. And then you need to simulate the behaviour of Smalltalk's
built-in classes and primitives if you want the application to run the
same. I'm not saying you mightn't be able to do this--it might just be
a Simple Matter of Programming--but it's going to cost a lot more in
development time than you'll ever spend on a virtual server (like
slicehost as Monty mentions).

I worked on a Seaside-inspired (well, Iowa-inspired, really) framework
in PHP for a client many years back. It was cool for a while to see
how far you could push PHP but it really started to get frustrating
and ugly after a while. Of course, I think that was before they
cleaned up their object implementation so you'd probably be in a
slightly better position than I was. Still, there have been various
frameworks in Ruby, Java, and PHP that take inspiration from Seaside
and I think you'd be better to just start with one of them - take the
key concepts of Seaside but apply them in a way that makes sense to
each language.


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