[Seaside] [2.8][Async]Session time hangs

Lukas Renggli renggli at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 15:51:12 UTC 2009

> Is there more than one supported Javascript framework?

Scriptaculous (PrototypeJS and script.aculo.us) is supported and in
wide use since Seaside 2.7. Though, if you are on a new project I
probably wouldn't use it anymore. The Javascript side seems to be
mostly dead, there were no major releases for over a year now.

JQuery and JQueryUI are very popular Javascript frameworks nowadays.
There are monthly updates and these is a large and very active
community behind. JQuery and JQueryUI are well supported in Seaside

> When did Async stop being supported?  I didn't realize it was unsupported
> when I decide to use it.

SeasideAsync used to be a small collection of Javascript hacks that
appeared in Seaside 2.4 or 2.5, a long long time ago. Its code was
later removed from the core. I don't think it was ever supported or
widely used.


Lukas Renggli

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