[Seaside] [newbie!] syntax errors in framework code while debugging/stepping into (kinda urgent)

the_damnedest_creature at freenet.de the_damnedest_creature at freenet.de
Mon Jun 29 11:42:22 UTC 2009

Hello Julian,

thank you for the quick answer!!

I checked again when squeak would be stuck (meaning, the
last button on the debugger I pressed is still pressed and I
can't do anything on squeak anymore), and it's when a new
context is created. A real pity that doesn't work, but I'm
really relieved it wasn't my fault.

About the syntax errors: there were more strange ones, so I
took another fresh image and retyped everything and now it
works...perhaps I messed something up with the debugging...

And yes, I read that post, it helped indeed and I'm gonna
show that to my fellow students. :)
I only read here
http://www.swa.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/seaside/tutorial that
render- and redirectContinuations aren't real continuations
anymore (so they're calling them handlers there), so are
those then objects which save some states (only those
variables I told them to save with the states message) in
e.g. a RenderContext, but don't save the whole context
chain/stack? If I press the back button that handler knows
which object's variables should be set to the old values its
got saved in it's RenderContext, sort of like this?

thanks again, have a nice day

 > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
 > Von: "Julian Fitzell" 
 > Gesendet: Mon. 29.06.09 (01:31)
 > An: "Seaside - general discussion" 
 > Betreff: Re: [Seaside] [newbie!] syntax errors in
framework code while 	debugging/stepping into (kinda
 > Hi Isolde,
 > I'm on my way to bed so I can't give you a detailed
answer right now
 > but in general you are not going to be able to step
 > continuations (at least in Squeak's debugger). Invoking
 > continuation
 > results in contexts being rewritten and processes being
modified and
 > the debugger just doesn't keep up with that stuff. I'm
not sure of
 > the
 > top of my head why it was "stuck" or exactly what you
mean by that
 > but
 > I'm certainly not surprised you're having trouble.
 > don't
 > mix well with exceptions or debuggers.
 > If you're having syntax errors within the same debugger
window, it's
 > probably because the contexts are out of synch with what
the debugger
 > is expecting. If you've closed the debugger and started
a new session
 > and are still seeing the problem then I'm not sure
what's up. Try
 > quitting the image and trying again.
 > Also, I suggest reading
 > you haven't already as you may find it helpful.
 > Perhaps someone will be able to give you more insight
but that's the
 > best I can do for the instant.
 > Julian

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