[Seaside] Seaside on a stand alone server.

Tony Giaccone tgiaccone at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 19:02:37 UTC 2009


because my small little pea brain is trying to wrap my head around Smalltalk
and Seaside I'm trying to minimize the additional layers above and beyond
that. I know that some would say that something like GLASS or Web Velocity
would simplify the process.  My feeling is that it's just more framework
that I have to try and wrap my head around and I'm having enough problems
right now just getting my head to work in the Smalltalk object paradigm.

My concerns with using just Smalltalk for the persistence layer is that
eventually I want to integrate with something written in Java, or C or just
provide a data feed through a desktop app. For me that suggests that a RDMS
solution is more general purpose.  My guess also as I move forward if I can
ever find someone who is willing to pay me for Smalltalk work, that it would
be easier to sell a solution with an RDMS data store. In addition it's
always possible that I might need to integrate with some kind of legacy data
available only in an RDMS.  For all those reasons, RDMS seems like the
"better" solution, even given the impedance mismatch between objects and
RDBM systems.

I realize I could probably get the all Smalltalk solution to work as also,
but for now I'm more comfortable with a RDBMS data store.


On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:05 AM, James Foster <Smalltalk at jgfoster.net>wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> I have a tutorial on how to setup up GLASS (GemStone, Linux, Apache,
> Seaside, & Smalltalk) on a 256 MB Slicehost ($20/month). See
> http://programminggems.wordpress.com/2008/09/05/setting-up-glass-on-slicehost/.
> As to the best database, why not use Smalltalk and avoid the O/R mapping
> problems?
> James
> On Nov 3, 2009, at 5:19 PM, Tony Giaccone wrote:
>> I'm interested in putting together a small linux server that will support
>> seside as a web application server.
>> I'm curious about what characteristics are appropriate?
>> Memory size?
>> Disk Size?
>> Linux distro?
>> I'll probably be using glorp and mysql or postgres on the same box.
>> Is there a consensus on which DB is a better choice?
>> Tony
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