[Seaside] Komanche ?

Ramiro Diaz Trepat ramiro at diaztrepat.name
Sun Oct 11 09:19:58 UTC 2009

Something really strange happened to me more than once now.In a simple dev
image (Pharo + Seaside3 + Kom on a Mac) after saving the image at some
point, Komanche stops answering anything at all, althought the port keeps
listening (as listed on a terminal).
No errors are displayed anywere but the port becomes unusable from that
point on.
If I wish to continue using the same image I have to add another adaptor in
the Seaside Control Panel and start again.
The "dead" ports never become usable again, not even stopping and removing
the adaptor and adding a new one.
I am not even sure that this is a Komanche issue, as I said no error of
anykind is visible.
Has anyone come across this before?
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