[Seaside] POST questions

John McKeon p3anoman at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 21:00:04 UTC 2010

I have an application that uses a custom IE plugin (VisualWorks). On the
page with the plugin, I render a form  with hidden inputs each having a
callback action that gets performed by the plugin. I feed the callback
parameters to the plugin in its params and it uses these to send a POST back
to the server with the necessary data and _s and _k parameters.
The callbacks get called correctly but I cannot figure out what I need to do
in the callback methods to get the component to re-render. Is there a way to
do this? The browser status bar indicates that the "POST was redirected by
the server". Trying to use call: or inform: does nothing. This is a 2.8
Many thanks in advance for any advice.

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