[Seaside] Running a legacy app on latest Linux

Richard Eng richardeng2005 at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 20 15:40:51 UTC 2010

I have a legacy Seaside app that I need to run on the latest version of Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx). It's been field tested under Squeak 3.9 and Seaside 2.8 (under Feisty Fawn).
On a fresh install of Ubuntu, I install Squeak 3.9. When I run the following command (taken from the legacy system):
squeak -headless -vm-display-null  MyApp.image  ""  port 9090 &
I get the error message:
could not find module vm-display-X11Aborted
However, I can find vm-display-X11 in /usr/local/lib/squeak/3.9-8/. What's the problem?
Is there anything else I need to install? (In the legacy system, there were 2 files that I could not identify: squeak.image and SqueakV3.sources, seemingly necessary to run squeak.)
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